Note from the Director

We are looking forward to the upcoming 2015 tour season, which will include BYU Singers’ first visit to China and the Wind Symphony’s return to Japan and South Korea. We’ve also added Mongolia to the Wind Symphony itinerary.This will be my last tour season working at Performing Arts Management. Little did I think when I toured with the Program Bureau and BYU choirs as a student that I would end up managing off-campus touring for so many years. Since Performing Arts Management was founded in 1971, BYU ensembles have performed more than 10,000 concerts in a hundred countries—made possible by our friends the world over. I never imagined when I traveled to Beijing in early 1979 looking for a way to book a BYU ensemble that we’d send our 27th tour to China in 2014. I am fortunate to have worked with the best colleagues one could ask for. We’ve had a great team over the many years.

Ed and Lynne Blaser on an early BYU tour to Europe.

The Lord has poured out his blessings on all who have taken part, opening doors, lifting spirits, and changing lives through the incredible gift of the arts. Truly, audiences have noticed “something different” about the performers and have opened their hearts to them.I am personally grateful for the chance I have had to work with this program and be inspired by so many students and leaders willing to sacrifice. Each group entertains the audience in a different way, but they all win the hearts of thousands by emulating the spirit of light.As their reputations spread to leaders of the world, BYU performers continue to change individual hearts. They proclaim their message in song, dance, and example, showing their audiences that life’s most important messages are often better felt than spoken.

Edward L. Blaser, DirectorBYU Performing Arts Management